Call for Participants

Participants (excluding invited speakers) are requested to submit a title and abstract (max 1 page) to mi20@imperial.ac.uk. Submissions will be judged for relevance to the workshop. Those accepted will be posted at the conference web site and each paper will be allowed a short presentation and also a poster at the conference.

Please note that the final submissions (for accepted abstracts) should be prepared according to the following formatting instruction.

Formatting Instructions

Authors of all accepted abstracts are requested to submit a revised / extended abstract (max 3 pages) which will be made available from the workshop website. 

Final submissions should be in single column format and use 11-point fonts for the main text. We strongly encourage using Springer's LNCS styles (available for Word as well as Latex). For more information please see "Information for Authors" available at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html

Please make sure that you will send your final submission (including all source files) to mi20@imperial.ac.uk before the deadline of 30th September 2016.

Important Dates

Title and abstract due
3rd August 2016 (extended until 5th August)
Notification of acceptance
10th August 2016 (extended until 12th August)
Extended abstract due
30th September 2016
Online registration closing date
17th October 2016
MI20-HLC Workshop 23-25 October 2016