
Organizing Committee:

Prof. Stephen Muggleton (Programme Chair)
Department of Computing, Imperial College London
Email: s.muggleton at imperial.ac.uk  (replace ' at ' with '@')

Dr Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad (Local Organiser and Webchair)
Department of Computing, Imperial College London
Email: a.tamaddoni-nezhad at imperial.ac.uk  (replace ' at ' with '@')

Advisory Committee:

Prof Stephen Muggleton FREng (MI series Executive Editor)
Department of Computing, Imperial College London

Prof. Alan Bundy FREng FRS
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Prof. Ulrike Hahn
Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck University of London

Prof. Ian Apperly
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham

Dr Caroline Jay
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester